[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="164" caption="Tim Mahoney. I hope his mistress was cuter than he is. Eww."]
Says in the article (click Tim Mahoney's ugly mug to read it) that Mahoney is also calling for a probe into himself. He wants them to probe him. Dude is messed up. Seriously. A major perv. This is what they dumped Mark Foley for? Good thinking, voters.
Remember how terrible and evil and insidious Mark Foley's sexually suggestive text messages were? Remember what a horrible, terrible thing George Allen's macaca was? But Tim Mahoney was paying hush money to an ex-mistress and the defense is: well, it wasn't campaign funds. So it's okay. I'm sorry, George Allen was using campaign funds to buy macacas? Mark Foley was using campaign funds to solicit interns?
Double-standard? Yes. Surprising. Nope.
Ah, here's the homewrecker, Patricia Allen:
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Here she is. Jeesh, she's about as hard to look at as he is."]
More on the Mahoney Scandal from Right Pundits. Ace of Spades notes that Tim Mahoney does have a Republican challenger. That would be Tom Rooney. Tom looks more All-American, and is just Better Looking, than Tim Mahoney. By a long shot. Vote Tom Rooney, you people in Florida who can vote for him. Send Obama to the Whitehouse if you must, but kick old Tim Mahoney the heck out.
Update: Now you folks are searching a lot on Patricia Allen. More news and views on the whole mess here. For you folks who think I got my head up my arse, and there ain't no difference in how Republicrats and Demogogicals get treated in these sexy, sexy scandals, I don't care what you think. You're just wrong with a capital 'P', and that's hard to do, but you've done it.
He may get the heave-ho, but the Dems already tried to cover it up--when complaining about how Hastert tried to cover up Foley--and they aren't getting called out on it, or calling out themselves. They get treated different.
But, when it comes down to it, they are all Politicians, which are basically just Lawyers who already have all your money, so they are all pretty much full of shiznit. They just prove themselves to be monumentally stupid, too.
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