Hah. Made you look. No, seriously, she's almost naked. That's as far as I go here.
And why am I going there? Lots of you are searching for Aubrey O'Day. I can't figure it out. Oh, wait. I just did.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="431" caption="Hamana-hamana-hamana. Wholly Owned Subsidiary, She's Hot! Some accuse her of being dumb as a box of rocks. Like that would matter. Please see above."]
There's Aubrey O'Day. Lovely Name. Might also explain you Internets perpetual fascination with frackin' Danity Kane.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Danity Kane, Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day. Or Don't. In fact, We'd Rather You Not."]
Proof Aubrey O'Day is, indeed, as dumb as a box of rocks? She just recently endorsed Obamarama for Presidential of These United Snakes. As a way of taking attention away from skankiness, which she apparently spent a lot of time originally trying to draw attention to. Well, it takes all kinds, I guess.
You're also exhibiting a growing interest in Lingerie Football. There are seriously Lingerie Football Teams and a League, now? Well, well, well. Maybe football could be more interesting than I thought.
[caption id="attachment_197" align="aligncenter" width="267" caption="If This is the New Face of Football, Count Me In."]
They must be doing this just to get people like me to watch football. Cuz if anything would do it, this probably would.
Heh. I said "wood".
Your interest in Savannah Guthrie proves not to be nearly so prurient, but, of course, leads back to Sarah Palin. The short story is: NBC was jealous, so ran a smear story on Palin. More likely, NBC is just full of the genus Waccus Liberalis, and so ran a smear story on Palin. Though, regarding Savannah Guthrie, I'd say she's pretty cute . . .
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="174" caption="Savannah Guthrie. She's a Professional Journalists. A Cute Professional Journalist. Or Former Journalist. Whatever."]
BTW, Savannah Guthrie also did one of NBC's so-called "fact checks" on Sarah Palin, and Newsbusters takes issue with her objectivity and accuracy.
Also, there is a certain amount of growing interest in Playboy Playmate Jayde Nicole out there.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="357" caption="Jayde Nicole is some sort of Playdate of This Year in some sort of Magazine for Discerning Young Gentlemen. I Get a Very Maternal Vibe Off Her. Don't You?"]
Again, I can't figure it out. Some kind of flannel vest fetish? You like the name "Jayde"? Sometimes, you peeples out in the Internets are very hard to read. You're all like a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm. Bacon.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Mmmmm. Delicious, delicious bacon. Aubrey O'Who, Now?"]
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