Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oscar-Winning Songwriter Joseph Brooks Indicted on Sex Assault Charges

Apparently, there are some women out there whose lives he most decidedly did not light up.

Google news covers it, too. He wrote and directed You Light Up My Life, including the award winning song. He produced Eddie and the Cruisers. And who can forget Sweater Girls?

He lured the girls in on the false pretense that he still had any kind of career, then apparently used drugs, including possible date rape drugs, and then had his way with them. Ah, Hollywood.

In other news, if you're looking for Feather Sterile Scalpels, I work for a company that sells such sterile, disposable scalpels with heat-treated stainless steel blades, chemically resistant plastic handles.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kate Gosselin Caught Hitting Daughter, Because Jon's No Longer Around and She Has To Hit Someone

Old Kate:

New Kate:

My, how things change.

And while I'm sure she doesn't need any Medline Translucent Standard Speci-Pan Specimen Collectors, but you might, so I'm mentioning it now. Just in case.

In related issues, Kate Gosselin spanked one of her children, and people think it's child abuse.

More on this latest spanking tragedy.