But I've lost one blog I was using as a general "aggregator" of what I've done most recently, so I'm going to use here, instead.
First, the latest music from Al Phlipp and the Woo Team can be found in The Experimental Album II. Mainly called that, because we call it that. By which I mean, I decided not to limit myself to any definition about what the album would be or what kind of music or noise I would try to make, and this is the Album that came out of that. Technically, is still coming out, but there are almost two discs worth of songs done now, so I thought I'd go ahead and spring it on an unsuspecting public.

Do I have a favorite? I Love You is a particularly compelling incarnation of the I Hate You Song which appeared originally on the original Experimental Album, titled, "I Hate You". And then it reappeared again as "I Hate You" on the Instrumental Album. In both places, I have them as "(Original Version)", but actually the one on the original 1986 Experimental Album is the really original "I Hate You", but I didn't know I still had a copy of The Experimental Album (1986) until I had done all the MP3 ripping for The Instrumental Album.
Finally, the very longest "I Hate You" ever was put on Broken Narrative from 1989, and uses many of the same samples (thanks to Elisa/Elisse/Elissa Helt for those, way back when) that I use on 2008's "I Love You".
Even more cool is my recent attempt to finish a novel I started back in late 2002/early 2003, and I'm still working on finishing, called Book of Magic. By turning it into a blog. Wish me luck on that! Either start at the beginning, or pick a chapter to sample the tone. Today I'm recommending Chapter 26. Some other day, I'd just as easily recommend another chapter. It's really my paean to the 80s, and my take on writing a tween+ romance from a more adolescent male perspective. Take that for what you will. It's also actually a prequel to the story that I originally was thinking about writing, and started as background for that story--for which I haven't written word one. And will never, if I don't finish this. So help me. Read it. Say you want it finished. And maybe I will.
I also recommend Chapter 23 right now. Just saying.
Additionally, I may have noted before that DME--where I work--sells Durable Medical Equipment. But we've also added a wide variety of very groove Exercise Therapy Equipment just recently. Just thought you should know.
Also--a little schozophrenic this evening--I'm a big fan of the tune, Terebulius, off the Experimental Album II. Although tunes like Sesquipedalian are probably more in keeping with the spirit of the original Experimental Album (by Al Phlipp and the Woo Team).
Pssst. I'm also cool with Thomas Dolby's Evil Twin from the still-kinda-work-in-progress Music To Listen To While Playing Downland on a TRS-80 Color Computer in 1985. Just so you know.
More later.
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