Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mandy Blank, Lynndie England, Amy Cohen (Old Maid) And You’re Still Looking for the Naked Sarah Palin Painting

Wassup, my homefries? Well, lemme lay it down for ya.

You're suddenly interested in Lynndie England again. I can guess why.

You're also lookin' all around for Mandy Blank. I definitely know what's up there.
Mandy Blank. Shes buff, aint she? No Sarah Palin, tho.
Mandy Blank. She's buff, ain't she? No Sarah Palin, tho.

You're also still looking for that nude Sarah Palin painting. You nasty Internets, you. And it's an ugly painting, too.

Is this the Amy Cohen you pipples are looking for? Mostly crusty old maids doing this search, I'm guessing.
This is Amy Cohen. Shes an old maid, and says thats just how she likes it.
This is Amy Cohen. She's an old maid, and says that's just how she likes it.

Is it just me, or does she look like Lisa Kudrow's less attractive older sister?

Yeah, Lisa Kudrows a whole lot cuter. Sorta the same mouth, tho.
Yeah, Lisa Kudrow's a whole lot cuter. Sorta the same mouth, tho.

You're also all about Tony Mandarich. Cuz he did steroids. But, of course, it's football again. What's it with you Internets and footballs? Yawning. Lots.
Heres Tony. Yeah, he did steroids. Shock!
Here's Tony. Yeah, he did steroids. Shock!

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