Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Post on my Software Supply Group Blog

Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac

I really am still here, just busy on other things (right now). I will be back. This I pledge. In the meantime . . .

My post of Microsoft Office 2008 for the Mac,
that's mostly me waxing nostalgic about the TRS-80 Color Computer (of which I had several, and was my first real exposure to the world of computing--and online BBSes, the precursors to the Internet--in 1981). Also, an opportunity to pimp some of our Microsoft Office Software at Software Supply Group.

Also, I've started working on a DME Supply Group blog for, naturally, DME Supply Group. I'm using LiveJournal for this one, which I'm still not entirely sure about but I'm going to keep on it for a while.

Other stuff? Check out The Dell Store at Software Supply Group. And our full line of Microsoft Office and Works products.

Also, here's a link to a manufacturers list of medical suppliers at JRS Medical. The main reason for this is to encourage search engines to browse those links, or do so more frequently, because my tiny little blog has linked to that page. Does it really work? I don't know. But when you've got kids to feed, you'll try all sorts of things!

More in the future. I promise!

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