Monday, April 20, 2009

Active Care Mobility Scooters and Power Wheelchairs

We've carried them for a while, in our personal mobility scooters and accessories section, but we've recently added more specifically in Active Care Mobility Scooters and Power Wheelchairs.

We've got the metallic gray Prowler 3410 Mid-size Mobility Scooter, as pictured above, as well as the Medical Pilot 2310 Standard Mobility Scooter (burgundy, very pretty).

Were very pleased to add the Metallic Gray Osprey 4410 Large Mobility Scooter, we didn't have that before. That's a good, solid scooter. And it looks great.

We've also added several of their power wheelchairs, like the Renegade Power Wheelchair with 22" seat. Pictured below.

Check out the Medalist Power Wheelchair with 80" seat, too, while you're at it.

That's it for now. More later.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Milon's Secret Castle, The Angry Video Game Nerd, Downland and More

The highly profant, and highly entertaining, Angry Video Game Nerd keeps turning 'em out.

I just watched him review Milon's Secret Castle. You know, I don't remember having this game, didn't remember the name . . . but once I saw it, like so many thing AVGN has reviewed, I swear I remember having played it. When? I' m getting too old. My memory is waning.

Here the Angry Video Game Nerd waxed poetic over his huge NES collection, and without too much scatalogical references or profanity. Almost a PG video from the Nerd.

Anyway, I love the Angry Video Game Nerd. And if you can put up with constant profanity and cursing and scatalogical language, you will, too.

In other news, I've got most of the tunes for Music to Listen To While Playing 'Downland' on a TRS-80 Color Computer in 1985, as well as the album art, as you might note.

A tune from the album I've recommened, and will recommend again, is Thomas Dolby's Evil Twin. Cuz, you know, it rocks.